The Lighthouse and the Sea

Former President Hui Lan's third and final book continues his literary ascent with a dark, haunting story of loss and grief. Building on the themes of his previous work, The Shadow over Modagami, Hui pushes the reader to consider the natural world, familial relations, and death through the lens of a gripping tale of two sailors lost at sea, pursued by an ever-present lighthouse. The tale of these two men touches on traditional Verleschdiean ideals, but with a Kjanuan touch in order to connect to the universal truths that all Utopians share. Hui's gripping tale has received two Annelbury nominations, and readers can expect to get lost in the murky waters of this tale...

Praise for The Lighthouse and the Sea:

"Repeated cadence and startling imagery bring this story to light. Hui outshines himself once more" - Shen Xiaoming, The Etsuyoki Times

"The ship always crashes. the old man always dies" - Kim Seok-ju, The Kjanuan
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