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A large gap in the modern understanding of anomalous history is the beginning of the First Sub-Corporeal War, also known as the Incursion on Glestonoph. While the end of the war is typically dated to 5,689 B.C.E. and the Peace of Silmurne, the beginning of the war differs between each of the Seven Histories. Retellings of the beginning of the war place the Invasion of modern-day Astarey to anywhere between 10,430 B.C.E. and 6,090 B.C.E. Modern techniques have allowed for dating of anomalous events such as the First Sub-Corporeal War through unique-trace particle analysis. In this paper, we sampled 17 sites along the southern coast of Astarey where the First Sub-Corporeal War began for concentrations of tri-beta-sub-carbon-14. After a thorough analysis in line with comparative concentration measurement, we conclude that the war likely started in 7,300-7,400 B.C.E., verifying the Second and Seventh histories. This verification could imply the Second History’s claim the invaders never left are true, proposing an area of future research. To verify these claims, researchers should seek a broader sample from the Great Southern Ocean and Astarey itself.


Temporal-Particular Analysis; First Sub-Corporeal War; Seven Histories; Historical Analysis; Timeline Reconstruction

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